6th-12th Grade Faith Formation

Do you have a child whom you would like to register in our Faith Formation Classes?


Glenn Rymsza

Director of Faith Formation/Religious Education

If you have questions about our classes, contact Glenn at 503 771-6039 or at grymsza@archdpdx.org. 
Glenn is on indefinite Medical Leave. If you have questions about the Faith Formation Program please contact Bonnie who is currently in charge of the Faith Formation Program.

6th-12th Grade Classes

Click on the plus signs below to learn more about each class

The students in this class will be studying the same material together. Annette Pullen teaches the 9:15am class and Bonnie Custer teaches the 12:00pm Class in the parish hall.

Seventh Grade is the year when we prepare our students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Those in seventh grade and above that need the sacrament will have some additional classes to help them prepare for this special sacrament.

Click here for the requirements and details of our Confirmation program.

Click   for this year’s 6-8th Grade Class Schedule.

Teacher Materials: The text for this class is “Pflaum Gospel Weeklies: Visions.” We have an account with PFlaum. They send renewal subscriptions to the parish regularly. Use the Gospel Weeklies for every class until it’s time for the Alpha Program. The Alpha Program is online. The teacher needs to set up a login. Access it here: https://alphausa.org/.

If there are no 6th-8th Grade Candidates for Confirmation, then use the Gospel Weeklies for the whole year.

The students in this class will be studying the same material together. Glenn Rymsza teaches this class in the parish hall. However, because Glenn is on medical leave, we are not doing this class this year.

Seventh grade is the year when we prepare our students for the sacrament of Confirmation. If your child is in high school and has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, they will join this 9-12th Grade class and will have some additional classes to help them prepare for this special sacrament.

Click here for the requirements and details of our Confirmation program.

Click    for this year’s 9th-12th Grade Class Schedule.

Teacher Materials: Use Matthew Kelly’s Confirmation Program called “Decision Point” for most classes until it’s time to start the Alpha Program. The Matthew Kelly Program can be viewed online here:  https://www.dynamiccatholic.com/confirmation.html. The Alpha Program is online. The teacher needs to set up a login. Access it here: https://alphausa.org/.

If there are no 9th-12th Grade Candidates for Confirmation, then use Matthew Kelly’s Program for the whole year.

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