Liturgical Ministry

Liturgical Ministry

There are various ways to use your gifts to serve at our Masses at St. Anthony. Click on the following ministries to learn more.

These ministries are shared amongst interested parishioners which often means that your ministry will only be a once a month commitment.  Let us know if you would like to  be added to the rotation. 

For those interested, we have group trainings in the early Fall. But, we can also train you at any time if you are eager to get involved. Contact the pastor.

Ushers have an important role at the parish.  Our ushers also serve as our greeters at Mass. They are the first to welcome people when they arrive for Mass.

In their capacity as Ushers they have the following duties: They assist people to their pews, they monitor the needs during Mass, they choose people to bring up the gifts at the offertory time, they take up the collection and they hand out the bulletins at the end of Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers help to distribute communion to the faithful at Mass.  One can be a Bread Minister or a Cup Minister.

We hold this ministry in high esteem. It is an honor to be given the responsibility to present the Body and Blood of Jesus to the congregation. 

Lectors have the important role of proclaiming the Scriptures to the congregation.  At our parish, the lector presents the 1st and 2nd Reading and the Prayers of the faithful.

We have training for this vital ministry in the fall.

Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass. Duties include carrying the Cross and candles, holding the prayer book for the priest, and handing him various necessities at the altar.

Children who have already received 1st Communion are encouraged to be Altar Servers.

Contact the pastor if you have a child that is interested.

Sacristans help to set up for Mass. They prepare and monitor the articles and elements required for the

Some of the duties of the Sacristan may include: The church building needs to be opened and the lights turned on. The bread and wine must be in their proper location, vessels and vestments available, linens in place, microphones turned on, books set out and candles lit.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a special exposition of the host (the Body of Christ) for use in silent prayer.

Adoration at St. Anthony is every Friday after the 9am Mass and ends at 4pm. Anyone is welcome to come to pray and spend time with Jesus.

We have a prayer tree in our parish that consists of people that pray for the needs of our parish.

The prayer team has a vital work to do and their prayers are powerful. People have said that they have felt the prayers of the prayer team for them.

If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer Team/Tree contact Sharon Stevenson at 503 774-8738.

For those who are sick or infirm and can’t make it to Mass, we will bring Communion to the place where they reside. 

The pastor usually does this on Sundays. If you are interested in doing this, contact the pastor.

We are the Body of Christ. When one member of the body suffers, we all suffer. We are called to share one another’s burdens. One way we do this is by visiting the sick and homebound. This is one of the corporal works of mercy.

The pastor does this and others are invited to do the same.

There are various reasons why someone can’t drive to Mass. But, it’s important for them to be with their brothers and sisters in Christ.

You can bless a fellow parishioner by helping them stay connected to the community.

Our parish has paid Cantors and Musicians. We are always open to new ones.

Do you play an instrument or are you interested in being a part of a choir? Let the pastor know.

Truth, beauty and goodness find their source in God. Beauty draws us and captivates us. God is beautiful and the sight and knowledge of God in heaven is described as the Beatific Vision–because it makes us supremely happy.

Thus, Mass should be beautiful. Flowers add to the beauty of the Liturgy.

Flower arranging is a valuable ministry. It is a gift that not everyone has. If you are talented in this area, please share your gift with us.

The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is part of our Faith Formation Program. It is a program for our young children of the parish (usually 3-6 years old). We take them out of Mass for a time to study the scriptures at an age apppropriate level. They return before the Eucharist begins.

The environment in the Church is meant to provide a space where one is drawn to worship God, a space that inspires us and calls us deeper in our faith. Beauty, color, images, plants can all aid us in this. 

If you have gifts in the area of decorating please let the pastor know.

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