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Returning to the Faith

Rosemary Childress

I wanted to be a saint when I was eleven years old. I would go to the church during recess to pray. I carried good deed beads in my pocket. My dad even built me an altar for my bedroom to pray before every day. And then life happened. I had not been attending Mass regularly for a while. I had been struggling in my marriage and had abandoned my dependence on God for my comfort and strength. I attended a funeral at St. Anthony’s for a friend and was …

Glenn–the Gift of Faith

I was baptized Catholic and grew up going to Mass every Sunday with my family in Chicago. I went to public schools and so I attended CCD or Sunday School so that I would be educated in the faith. I tried my best to do well in school and I played many sports growing up: Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling, and Tennis.  My twin brother and I were Confirmed in the 8th Grade. He claimed that he had some kind of spiritual experience.  But, I don’t remember having one. I remember …
Returning to the Faith

Jeanette–Story of a Revert

I was baptized Catholic and born to great parents who practiced the faith all their lives. I was educated by Franciscans at Ascension parish and so received all the sacraments of initiation in grade school. I continued practicing Catholicism all through high school and into my mid-twenties. Then I stopped attending Sunday mass, opting to sleep in on those mornings. Was I mad at the church, or at God? No, I still believed in Jesus and God. I still thought the church of my childhood did a lot of good. …
Returning to the Faith

Paula Rose Lang

I was born into a Catholic home and attended a Catholic school. My Parish was the center of my universe. The Holy Name Sisters taught me about the saints and prepared me for the sacraments. I will always remember my first Confession, first Eucharist, and Confirmation. I received each of these sacraments with reverence and excitement. When I was a 20-year-old college student, I met my first husband Doug. Doug was exploring Catholicism at the time. I soon moved to the city of Astoria where Doug lived. I was so …
Becoming Catholic

Rose Braker–Woman of Faith

Rose grew up in the city of Kaliningrad (during WWII it was called Königsberg) with was part of Germany at the time.  She became part of a military women’s outfit that manned Searchlights in Berlin during WWII. She was a dedicated Christian from her youth and had many inspiring faith stories from WWII. She became a Lutheran pastor’s wife and was very active in her faith. She and her husband led many retreats for youth in Europe. Her family eventually moved to Portland.  After her husband died, she moved in …
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