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Altar Society Meeting
March 21, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa
The Altar Society serves the parish in these ways:
- Supply hosts, wine, candles, missals
- Supply and maintain altar linens
- Coffee and Donuts
- Funeral Receptions
- Pancake Breakfasts
- Luncheons
- Clothing Drives
- Bazaar, Bake Sale, and Raffle
- Special Events
- Contribute to the purchase of parish needs
The Saint Anthony Altar Society is an active, vibrant group of parishioners dedicated to serving the needs of the parish.
Altar Society Meeting
The monthly 12pm Altar Society Meeting is where all the events and activities of the Society are planned and Organized. Click below for more information on the Altar Society.
Altar Society