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Welcome Holy Church

A Religion
Worth Following

Welcome Holy Church

Bible is the
Only Truth

Welcome to our church

The church will help you find your way to God
and love

Suspendisse fermentum, dolor in rutrum dictum, augue dui egestas nunc, id egestas augue quam eu orci. Nulla facilisi. Sed sed nibh vulputate, tristique risus id, ornare turpis. Mauris dapibus at tellus a porttitor.

    • Follow the Bible Phasellus eu rhoncus sapien. Aliquam posuere gravida commodo.
    • Christian Church Vivamus malesuada iaculis leo, id feugiat sapien mattis eget.
    • Seek God Curabitur ultricies enim vitae venenatis accumsan cras condimentum.
    • Love and Care Vestibulum velit, eget posuere tellus tempor sit amet habitant morbi.
    Our sermons

    Upcoming Events

    Pentecost Potluck
    12:00Rosemary Childress
    82nd Ave of Roses Parade
    09:30Fr. Pat Donoghue
    Sunday meetings

    Every Sunday our church are open to everyone. We are glad to adults and children

    Aliquam facilisis, orci ut euismod finibus, lacus justo venenatis diam, eget tincidunt tellus lorem nec magna. Ut ut libero et erat hendrerit lobortis.

    Сharity and donation

    Become a part of our community. We really appreciate all your donations.

    Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam pellentesque eget erat eget sodales.


    What our Prayers Say

    I enjoy working at St. Anthony. The parishioners are faith-filled, friendly and generous. Glenn Rymsza.

    Glenn Rymsza
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    Don't wait for the right moment,
    discover God now

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    Happy Stories

    I enjoy working at St. Anthony. The parishioners are faith-filled, friendly and generous. Glenn Rymsza.

    Glenn Rymsza
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